Author Instructions

Instructions for Accepted papers

The proceedings for BUSITAL 2012 are produced collectively for several workshops at CAiSE’12. The Easychair conference system is used to collect camera ready copies and other documentation related to accepted manuscripts.

One author (the ‘corresponding author’) for each paper will receive an email from the Easychair system that s/he is added as “invited” author to the ‘CAiSE workshops proceedings’ with instructions to upload the paper as an “invited” paper and to register the paper and the other authors. This “invited” thing is merely a technical artifact of Easychair.

Authors can then upload the final version of their paper to Easychair and make sure that all metainformation (paper title, names, affiliation, etc.) are written correctly as this information is used to generate the table of contents and the author index.

Regular papers for BUSITAL 2012 are limited to 12 pages including all text, figures, references and appendices. Short papers are limited to 8 pages.

Manuscripts must comply with the Springer LNBIP formatting rules. Templates for formatting can be downloaded from this location . Please make sure that the figures are legible also when printed in black and white. Colored figures will only appear in the online version of the proceedings.

Authors are required to transfer the copyright of the paper. The copyright form must be filled in, signed, scanned, and uploaded as a pdf to the correct place in Easychair. The copyright form can be downloaded from this location . The official title of the proceedings is ‘CAiSE’12 workshop proceedings‘ with LNBIP Volume Number 112. Volume editors are Johann Eder and Marko Bajec.

Please prepare your manuscrips according to the instructions above and upload them to Easychair no later than April 9. This date is an “ultra-hard” deadline. Manuscripts uploaded later than deadline will not be in the proceedings.

At least one author is required to register for the workshop and to present the paper. Please use the registration form provided for this.

The best paper will be invited for publication in a special edition of the International Journal of Information Systems Modeling and Design (IJISMD).

Instructions for submitting to the workshop

We invite submissions in the form of Full papers and Short papers.

  • Full papers reporting the completed research, industrial case studies, empirical studies and surveys are limited to 12 pages including all text, figures, references and appendices.
  • Short papers reporting research-in-progress and problem statements are restricted to a maximum length of 4 pages (including all text, figures, references and appendices).

All papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere.

In order to ensure a timely reviewing and publication process we would kindly ask you to follow the following instructions when submitting your paper.

  1. The submitted manuscripts should comply with the Springer LNBIP formatting rules. To prepare your manuscript, please follow the “Default Author Instructions” from Springer Verlag.
  2. Please make sure to use the full names of all contributing authors in the paper (first name(s) and surname).
  3. Please make sure that the figures are legible also when printed in black and white. Colored figures will only appear in the online version of the proceedings.
  4. To submit your paper, please use the Easychair submission system